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    We offer 2 years warranty on all Clarijs products. On all other brands the normal warranty policy applies.

    On zipper there is a warranty of 1 year, on window foil you need to inform us within 2 days afther recieving the product.

    Our bakfiets tents are made after the order is submitted. Delivery times vary from two days to three weeks. For bags with a custom logo or image we handle a two to five week delivery period. These orders can only be canceled up to 5 days after the initial order date.

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    Chamber of Commerce: 22007143
    VAT identification number NL022.92.294.B01

    Should the activity of the trader be subject to a relevant licensing system: the data of the supervising authority.
    Should the trader practice a regulated profession:

    • the professional association or organization with which he is affiliated;
    • the professional title, the town/city in the EU or the European Economic Area where this was granted;
    • a reference to the professional rules that apply in the Netherlands and instructions as to where and how these professional rules can be accessed.

    www.thuiswinkel.org. The complaint is then sent both to the trader concerned and the Dutch Thuiswinkel Organization.

  • If the complaint cannot be solved in joint consultation, then it becomes a dispute that is subject to the disputes settlement scheme.

  • www.sgc.nl), by either the consumer or the trader, with due observance of that which is stipulated below.

  • The Disputes Committee will only deal with a dispute if the consumer first puts his complaint to the trader, within a reasonable time.
  • The dispute should be submitted to the Disputes Committee, in writing, at the latest by three months after the dispute arose.
  • If a consumer wants to put a dispute before the Disputes Committee, the trader is bound by that choice. If it is at the wishes of the trader, then the consumer will indicate, in response to a written request made by the trader, whether he is in contract, or prefers the dispute to be dealt with by the competent law-court. If the consumer does not indicate his choice to the trader within a period of five weeks, then the trader has a right to put the dispute before the competent law-court.
  • Rulings of the Disputes Committee are subject to the conditions as stipulated in the regulations of the Disputes Committee. Decisions of the Disputes Committee take the form of binding advice.
  • The Disputes Committee will not deal with a dispute – or will terminate their intervention – if the trader has been granted a suspension of payments, gone bankrupt or has actually terminated business activities before the committee dealt with the dispute during a session and rendered a final ruling.
  • If another disputes committee that is recognized or affiliated with the Disputes Committee Foundation for Consumer Affairs (SGC) or the Complaints Institute Financial Services (Kifid) is competent, in addition to the Thuiswinkel Disputes Committee, the latter will have exclusive jurisdiction for disputes relating mainly to the method of distance sales or services. For all other disputes, this applies to the other disputes committees recognized by the SGC or affiliated with the Kifid.
  • Article 16 | Branch guarantee

    1. The Dutch Thuiswinkel Organization guarantees the fulfilment of obligations of her members in relation to binding advices imposed on them by the Thuiswinkel Disputes Committee, unless the member decides to put the binding advice before a law-court for verification within two months after de date of that advice. This guarantee will come into effect again upon the court ruling becoming final and conclusive, whereby the court has declared that the binding advice has binding effect. Up to a maximum sum of € 10,000 per binding advice the Dutch Thuiswinkel Organization will pay this sum to the consumer. In case of sums higher than € 10,000 per binding advice, the sum of € 10,000 will be paid. As far as the sum is higher than € 10,000 the Dutch Thuiswinkel Organization has the obligation to take reasonable adequate efforts to pursue the member to fulfil the binding advice.
    2. Application of this guarantee requires the consumer to submit a written appeal to the Dutch Thuiswinkel Organization and to transfer his claim on the trader to the Dutch Thuiswinkel Organization. As far as the claim on the trader exceeds the sum of € 10,000, the consumer will be offered the possibility to transfer his claim on the trader above the sum of € 10,000 to the Dutch Thuiswinkel Organization, where after this organization will pursue payment of the claim to the consumer in court on her own title and costs.

    Article 17 | Additional or different stipulations

    Additional stipulations or stipulations that differ from these general terms and conditions may not be detrimental to the consumer and should be recorded in writing, or in such a way that consumers can store them in a readily accessible manner on a durable medium.

    Article 18 | Amendment to the general terms and conditions of Thuiswinkel

    1. The Dutch Thuiswinkel Organization will only amend these general terms and conditions after consultation with the Consumers’ Association.
    2. Amendments to these terms and conditions will only come into effect after they have been published in the appropriate way, on the understanding that where amendments apply during the validity of an offer, the stipulation that is most favorable to the consumer will prevail.
    3. Address of the Dutch Thuiswinkel Organization: PO Box 7001, 6710 CB EDE, The Netherlands.

    Privacy Disclaimer

    Firma Clarijs owns this website.

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    Firma Clarijs respects the privacy of all visitors to the site and ensures that your personal information is handled responsibly. During your visit to the site, a variety of information is collected in order to optimize our service. This privacy policy explains exactly which information is collected, what it is used for and what your rights are. Firma Clarijs ensures that the proper information has been submitted to the authorities for the protection of personal information, as required by current rules and regulations.

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    You may ask Firma Clarijs at any time which of your information has been saved. Simply send an inquiry via email or mail to Firma Clarijs. You can also email or write to Firma Clarijs with questions, suggestions or other concerns, to which Firma Clarijs will respond as quickly as possible. If you would like to receive information, special offers or surveys, you can notify Firma Clarijs of this via email or letter. If you leave your email address with us, we will send you our newsletter. Firma Clarijs may use your user information for purposes that have not been covered in the privacy policy. In this case, Firma Clarijs will contact you before using your information for new purposes in order to notify you about changes to the policy, so that you may decline participation if desired.

    Information about Data Privacy of Firma Clarijs

    For other questions, comments or complaints about Firma Clarijs’s privacy policy, feel free to contact us.